Two years have passed .... finally, I'm back to writing. I'm sure you've missed me ;o) .
My daughter and I went to the Living History Fair in Brookings, SD a couple weeks ago. We got to listen to Frank and Annie Oakley-Bishop during the lunch hour. Even got to see her trick shots. Learned about musket guns/rifles. Listened to a Cowboyography talk. Abe Lincoln was there as shy and honest as ever. People dressed in pioneer, civil war era, trapper, cowboy, and colonial clothes. It was a great time.
It was the musket gun man that got me to rememberin' though ....
I was raised in the cement jungle. People around me didn't always know about critters and guns. Save the Whales signs were the closest some of them got to wild animals. And guns belonged to gang members. No fault of theirs... just the culture they're in. But I had a memory listening to the musket man. He asked the kids why the gun barrels were sooooo long on some of the old guns and the answer was it was better for targeting. Well, in school as a kid I still remember the history teacher asking us kids why the gun barrels were soooooo long on some of the guns back in the day and the answer they told me was .... e v o l u t i o n .... mmm hmmm, evolution. Since I've never believed in evolution I knew there must be a different explanation but it wasn't until I came to a wildlife state, a haven of hunting/fishing/trapping enthusiasts, a place where history is still alive that I found out the truth. I still have the image of long armed men and women walking around the country... draggin' their hands on the ground ...
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!