We left South Dakota for 8 years. Yes, I guess we'd lost our mind for a bit... but we're back now! When we lived in the state of _________ we were told it was a great pheasant hunting state. Now when you're used to pheasants in flocks, pheasants on the roads, pheasants hitting your windshield and grill regularly that is sorta what you expect in a 'pheasant hunting state'. Our kids were young then but they noticed along with us that that is not how it is in that state. Very rarely would we even see a pheasant. Very rarely did we see a pheasant hunter. Even rarer was to see them together!! Oh yes, there was a pheasant hunter that attended our church in his hunting garb. He seemed more depressed during pheasant season than at any other time... too much disappointment I guess. We finally did see a pheasant in _______. We were driving down the highway and someone passed us. A dead pheasant was hanging from their front head lamp!!!! We all laughed ... the kids pointed and said "there's that _________ pheasant!!" Sorry, ____________ but I think the season just ended.
South Dakota Pheasant Hunting .... we have the birds!
Sounds kinda like Kansas